You need not have an exceptional voice or musical experience to join our music ministry. Just a heart for joining others in singing (or ringing... or playing...) praises.

Vocal and Instrumental Music
The FPC Choir is led by our Director of Music and organist, Dan Vaughan. Music is an important part of our services and our talented choir greatly enhances our worship. The choir leads the congregational singing with anthems that span a variety of musical styles, from traditional sacred music to contemporary songs.
A separate vocal musical group, the Men’s Quartet, sings regularly in worship, praising God in four-part harmony in styles that include everything from Barbershop to Spirituals.
In addition, FPC is blessed by many talented instrumentalists who contribute to our worship.
You do not need to have an exceptional voice or musical experience to join this ministry – only a desire to serve God by coming together with others in singing praises. Interested? Contact Dan here.

Handbell Choir
Since 1986, our talented handbell choir has been adding beautiful sounds of praise to our worship services. The Handbell Choir meets on Sunday Mornings at 9:45 a.m.
at the church to rehearse, and is led by our Director of Music, Dan Vaughan.
The program is open to any adult or teen. You do not need to have any experience to participate – we will teach you what you need to know. If you are interested in joining the Handbell Choir, contact Dan here.