Fellowship strengthens our faith, adds fulfillment to our lives and deepens the bonds between friends, which inspires better care for one another and better teamwork on mission activities. It’s not just fun, it’s important fun!
We are thankful for the warm and caring nature of our church and know we must not take it for granted. We strive to nurture it with plentiful fellowship opportunities, helping us to feel God's love and be God's love.
ANNUAL RETREAT: Each Fall, members of our church gather for an offsite weekend to rejoice in God’s blessings and focus on faith. The weekend includes prayer activities, bible study, worship, and outdoor activities. Bring your Bible and camera and go home with memories for a lifetime.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN: Our active Presbyterian Women hold two events monthly, the Soul Food Bible study on the fourth Thursday, and a Ladies Night Out fellowship on the second Wednesday. Other gatherings include bi-annual PW luncheons, and an annual Christmas event for fellowship and a mission that benefits a local charitable organization.

MEN’S GROUP: The Men’s Lunch Bunch group is growing more active with a variety of events – beginning with a fellowship lunch on the third Wednesday of each month. Other events generally involve power tools...
For more information, please contact the church office.
ALL CHURCH FELLOWSHIP: Our calendar is full of opportunities to share fellowship with one another, including congregational lunches, picnics, breakfasts, a Fall Festival, an Easter Egg Hunt and numerous other events during the year. If you’ve noticed a lot of those include food, you won’t be surprised by our Birthday Sunday tradition. After service on the third Sunday of each month, we celebrate the birthdays of all the members born in that month with some of the most wonderful cakes you’ve ever tasted!
MONDAY MORNING GROUP: Ever wonder how the sanctuary gets prepared for each week’s service? How about who weeds the flower beds and prunes the bushes? Who gets all of the candles ready for our Christmas service? Who gets to eat all of the left over desserts from our Sunday gatherings? Come join our Monday Morning Group at 9:00 a.m. each week and meet the busy folks who help do all of this and so much more to help keep things running smoothly at our church. If you’d like to participate, additional hearts and hands are always welcome.
SMALL GROUPS: Small groups at FPC were created to help us know and enjoy each other. C.S. Lewis states "Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?" We can’t promise a fire, but we can promise friendly folks gathered to pray together, eat together, play games together and discuss books together.